Wednesday, October 7, 2015

when it feels like you can't see

Fun fact: I go to school an hour and a half from home.

I make that drive about 3 days a week. So I have quite a lot of time to spend talking to the Lord. Sometimes I pray about what's going on in my life and some days I just listen to what He is saying. I think we, as humans, tend to talk and complain instead of just listening. So on Monday, I listened.

It has been incredibly foggy the last few mornings (possibly the thickest fog I've ever driven though) which has made it really difficult to see the road and other drivers. Instantly the Lord began to whisper in my ear exactly what I needed to hear. Fog will teach you a lot if you are willing to listen:

Fog has a way of making you forget where you are. It has a way of causing you to question whether or not you are even going in the right direction. Is this the path you are suppose to be taking or have you made a wrong turn? Sometimes, I know for me at least, the fog can send fear into your mind to try and distract you from the path you know is right. You've gone this way everyday for a month now, but this fog is causing you to rethink everything you've done to get there. The surroundings don't look familiar anymore and your head is cluttered with confusion. In the midst of the fog, when you can't see, you have two choices: you can stop right where you are and wait for the fog to lift or you can press on, following His voice of direction in your life.

Yep, that is me. Right here, right now. This was me physically on Monday morning and this has been me spiritually and mentally for the last month.

So in my car on Monday morning I had to slow down and ask the Lord for His guidance. As I travelled further down the road the fog lifted and I could see clearly again. He began to remind me that He has not brought me this far just to leave me. He has not forgotten my name. He is proud of  me.

Sometimes, for me, the fog looks like actual fog. Some days it looks like negative thoughts that try to distract me from who I really am. Other days the fog looks like the stress of trying to balance everything life is throwing at me.
The fog is just a distraction. You know where you are going. The fog is beginning to lift. He is giving you vision.