Well, I've decided to something super vulnerable and out of the ordinary for me. I've started a blog.
This blog will mostly be filled with things the Lord is showing me in this season of my life and sometimes just really cool adventures I get to go on. You may be going through the same thing or maybe not, but this is me. Right where I am. So welcome to my world.
This first post is something that I've felt like I should share for a couple of weeks now. I wrote this in my journal during my nightly quiet time on the 1st of September. So here it is:
In this season, trust has looked a little bit like waking up earlier than I ever have and driving a little bit farther than I'd like to. It has looked like worship sessions in my car to a Bethel cd I've listened to a hundred times but still makes me cry. Trust has looked like crying myself to sleep and crying out to God to just simply "draw near" and He does. Every single time. Without fail. I've had to trust Him to provide in ways I've never needed to before. I've also had to trust that He has gone before me and paved the way. He has not forsaken me and He will never forget me.
Faith has looked a little bit like being 100% terrified to "leave the nest" but trusting in His plan for my life anyway. It has looked like stepping out of my boat onto the raging sea knowing that even when I think I'm drowning He is faithful to reach out His hand and pull my head above the waves.
I've learned adulthood looks like 30 minute Dairy Queen runs between school and work just to catch up. It looks like one text message that simply says "praying peace over you today". It looks like late night FaceTime calls after weeks of not seeing each other. Adulthood looks like waking up at 5 and not getting home until 9:30 or 10. It looks like sacrificing friend time for homework you don't want to do. It mostly looks like stress and exhaustion but there are also great moments of joy and encouragement and hope and love. So much love.
Most importantly in this season I've seen Jesus. In the sunrise I get to watch every single morning (He knows those are my favorite). I see Him in the comfort He brings when I simply ask Him to "draw near" and I see Him in the prayers from friends and family that come through texts and FaceTime calls. I have known peace, hope and His love like I never have before. I've also noticed that often times seasons of drought produce the most growth. He has given me hope and joy that is brand new every morning. He is faithful to meet me right where I am.